Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Dr Ibharalu F.T, Ajayi A.F, Adebayo A.A, Olukumoro S.O, Akinade A.O
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2024.63926
Certificate: View Certificate
The issues identified in primary studies showed the need for a reliable user authentication system and thereby constitute low performance metrics. This include the restriction of feature extraction to single image filter thereby returning relative feature vector size of biological traits returns sub-optimal models for a data mining-based authentication system. The aim of this study is to enhance the performance of existing models deploy SqueezeNet embedding for image feature extraction as well as the implementation of synthetic oversampling and employment of vote ensemble model to address the widespread problem of under-fitting and over-fitting observed in literatures. The study further implemented feature engineering technique of feature selection (through information gain and Relief-F) to enhance model performance by eliminating feature redundancy. The user authentication was actualized through Vote ensemble modelling of SMO, MLP, and the DT base learners. Results from the study showed a precision of 75.37%, an accuracy of 83.7%, F-Measure value of 0.781917211 and ROC AUC value of 0.833333333 indicating that the model has a good capability to differentiate between the positive and negative classes.
An authentication system is a security concept which serves as a proactive measure to forestall and prevent unauthorized access to a service or data [33]. Besides what a user knows the identity authentication factors of username and or password, biometrics encapsulates the unique biological traits of users in what is often referred to as what the user is [28]. Biometrics have likewise proven to be more efficient than the use of tokens or hardware items (what a user has) because of its distinguishing factor of being more of who a person is than any other secondary means of authentication [52]. The performance metrics of biometric systems have been proven to surpass even multi-factor cryptographic authentication systems for access control. The biological, physiological or behavioral characteristic nature of human beings, baring its uniqueness in mind, reliably identifies an individual. Common biometric features used for authentication systems include the fingerprint scans, facial or retina scans, and sometimes voice for voice recognition authentication systems [7]. The same biological attributes are captured for the verification purposes hence discouraging impersonation, identity theft, identity mismatch etc. Upon a successful matching of extracted biological attributes with those in the database, data or service access is granted the user. Biometrics therefore is the science that entails both identification and verification of humans relying on the basis of human measurable traits [7]. A system with the functionality of biometrics could uniquely identify users by their measurable traits before access is granted or denied. Indeed, diversified researches returns iris as one of the most important traits that guarantees higher accuracy, recognition and efficiency in identity recognition [49]. The iris feature is believed to consist more than 250 unique elements, which describes human identity through numeric feature vectors [5]. This study seeks to enhance the performance of existing models in literature. In due course, the study would be enhancing face and iris user authentication systems and increase the performance and accuracy of the model.
Authentication systems are security measures established for data or system safety purposes that requires inputs for access or operations [16]. Authentication therefore encompasses techniques and procedures deployed for determining whether someone or something is who or what they claim to be. Authentication systems could also provide for access control by mapping user inputs with information in the database for correlation and verification purposes thereby ensuring a secure process and system [8].
For user identity purposes, user identification number is deployed when user provide credentials such as a password which must match information registered for the user in the database. The authentication system is further explain based on the terms; Knowledge-based factor, Possession-based factor, Inherence-based factor, location-based factor, and time-based factor.
Knowledge-based factor, popularly referred to as something you know, consist of authentication credentials that involves information that a user possesses, including individual identification number, user-generated username, a password, answer to a secret question etc.
Possession-based factor is referred to as something the user has including item-based credentials that a user owns and carry along such as a hardware device, a security token or even a mobile phone used to text message or to generate a one-time password or PIN.
Inherence-based factor is something a user is, which is characteristically a biometric identification system comprising of fingerprints, facial recognition, thumbprints, retina scan etc.
The location factor is often deployed as an addendum or adjunct to other factors with the aid of global positioning systems with relative levels of accuracies. The location factor seldom stands on its own for authentication but it supplements other factors thereby providing means of ruling out some requests. It can for instance prevent an attacker located in a pre-defined remote geographical area from posing as a user. Similar to the aforementioned location-based is the time-based factor which refers to when you are authenticating. However, it is often deployed as an addendum mechanism for weeding out attackers who intends to access a resource at a specific time when the said resource is not available to the authorized user. It is often deployed alongside the location-based factor. As aforementioned, several authentication factors are deployable for securing an entity against unauthorized attacks either as a two-factor or a multi-factor authorization access control system. However, an advanced and more reliable method for user authentication is offered by the biometric authentication system. Rather than relying on a shared secret or key, biometric system authentication deploys unique physiological or behavioral features of a person as an attribute for verification and authentication. Hence, genuine users are recognized through distinct characteristic features of fingerprints, ear shapes, irises etc. [7].
One of the biological means of uniquely identifying a user is through their facial attributes through the instrumentality of technology [31]. A facial identification system uses biometrics for a 1-1 mapping of facial features from an image or video. The extracted features from the image is compared with the information on the database of pre-registered faces to purposely find a match. Identity is therefore verified for access purposes [19]. The process of using visible plus near-infrared light to capture a high contrast photograph of an individual’s iris for verification purposes is referred to as iris recognition [46]. In the same category as face or fingerprint recognition technologies, iris recognition is a biometric system use case for the purpose of user authentication. Practitioners compare iris of suspects with pre-registered set in the database through a scanning technology to ascertain or confirm the user’s identity [46].
The proposed bimodal authentication is a six-phase biometrics based user verification system that combines iris and facial pattern recognition attributes for the purpose of training a machine learning model. The training set is made up of iris and facial images of both authentic and unauthentic users, which is then fitted by a Vote ensemble learner algorithm for the purpose of building the artificial intelligent authentication system. Feature vectors are extracted from the input data through knowledge transfer technology of image embedding functionality and are consequently concatenated for the ensuing phase of feature engineering. The output of the feature engineering makes up the ideal training set for the consecutive machine learning phase.
The supervised machine learning training produces the proposed intelligent model which could uniquely recognize biological patterns from a user who intends to gain access through the machine learning testing phase. The result of the authentication determines if access is granted or denied at the sixth phase of the proposed methodology.
Fig. 1 Proposed bimodal authentication framework
The first phase of the framework is the image acquisition phase when dual image inputs of iris and facial is captured for instance on the dataset as shown in Fig.1. The images belong to authorized users’ category and the non-authorized users, each having a pair of facial and iris representations. Instances for each data feature has more than one representation on the dataset to avail the predictive model an armful opportunity to robust pattern recognition. The sizes of the images notwithstanding, two sets are prepared for this study including the training set and test set.
Table I: Summary of existing work
S/N |
Author |
Methodology |
Strength |
Limitation |
1. |
(Joseph et al., 2020) [25] |
AES, Blowfish, DES |
2. |
(Ibtehaz, et al., 2021) [20] |
Deep Learning |
3. |
(Sharma, et al., 2021) [47] |
Quality of minutiae points |
4. |
(Raja et al., 2015) [42] |
5. |
(Yang, et al., 2020) [55] |
Feature-adaptive methodology |
6. |
(Jahan, et al., 2018) [22] |
Fast stereo matching algorithm with fingerprint |
7. |
(Yang, et al., 2019) [54] |
Steganography and PKI |
8. |
(Ying & Nayak, 2019) [56] |
Self-certified Public Key Cryptography and Elliptic Curve Cryptography |
9 |
(Sajjada, et al., 2019) [44] |
Fingerprint with Convolutional Neural Network |
10 |
(P.Punithavathi, et al., 2019) [39] |
Biometric system |
Feature engineering concepts adopted in this study includes the information gain feature selection and the synthetic minority oversampling technique. The feature selection phase is to ensure all variables encapsulated in the dataset are useful for the machine learning modelling. Inclussion of reduncdant variables reduces the generalization ability of the model which will eventually reduce the performance metrics of the chosen classifier. Therefore, the goal of the feature selection technique is to find and deploy the best dataset of features that helps to build an accurate model.
Recently, a surge of deployment is witnessed in studies with Support Vector Machines (SVM) as SVM have empirically shown to return good generalization performance on different problems [40] including character recognition [29], face detection, pedestrian detection [38], and text categorization [23]. However, the SMO was introduced as an improved variant of the SVM which is theoretically simple, easy to execute, faster, and with better scaling properties for difficult problems than the traditional SVM training algorithm [40]. The SMO is an optimized variant of the traditional secure vector machine (SVM) majorly conceptualized to address the optimization problem of the secure vector machine. It is an effective method for training SVM on classification tasks reputable for sparse data sets and it is different from SVM algorithms as it does not entail a quadratic programming solver.
Research showed that SVMs can be optimized via the decomposition of a large quadratic programming problem into smaller mini-problems. Optimizing individual mini-problem therefore minimizes the initial quadratic programming problem once no further progress is possible on all of the sub-problems. The original quadratic programming problem is thereby solved. Since individual sub-problem can have stable magnitude, optimization through decomposition is possible with a permanent size. Decomposition in SMO therefore is far more efficient than the quadratic programming approach of SVM. Since SMO deploys a sub-problem of dual size, each sub-problem therefore has a methodical solution. While other methods towards solving the quadratic programming problem of SVM hold great promise, SMO is the only optimizer that explicitly exploits the quadratic form of the objective function and simultaneously uses the analytical solution which is therefore applied in this methodology for a better result.
Algorithm: The Sequential Minimal Optimization Algorithm |
1: Input: Ground truth labels (xt 2: Output: optimal output µ. 3: i← -1;j ← -1 4: ∇˜ f(µ) ← 0 5: while µ is not optimal do 6: Unsystematically permute samples. 7: for t←1 . . . n do 8: ∇˜ f(µ)t = wT xt 9: if ∇˜ f(µ)t < ∇˜ f(µ) − ? and t ∈ Ilow 10: ∇˜ f(µ)i ← ∇˜ f(µ)t 11: i←t 12: else if 13: ∇˜ f(µ)j ← ∇˜ f(µ)t 14: j←t 15: end if 16: if i ≠ -1 and j ≠ -1 then 17: update µi 18: update w according to (14) 19: update ∇˜ f(µ) according to (18) 20: i 21: end if 22: end for 23: end while |
Information gain is used to compute the entrophy reduction during the transformation of a database. It is used for feature selection by evaluating the information gain of each variable within the context of the target variable. Information is computed for a split by finding the difference between entropies of each branch from the original entropy. Therefore, the entropy of a random variable X is calculated thus: Xi
=[p(Xi) ×log2(Xi)] (1)
where Xi represents each possibility of (ith) of value X, and p(Xi) is the probability of a particular posible value of X.
The metric used in the study include Precision, F-Measure, Received Operating Characteristic (ROC), Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC), False Positive Rate (FPR), True Negative Rate (TNR), False Negative Rate (FNR) and Accuracy.
The feature extraction, data mining and feature engineering phases of the framework were implemented using Orange data mining toolkit composed of python libraries. The acquired iris and facial images are uploaded on the application to extract image embedding, which are numeric vectors representing the genetic representations of each image (iris and facial) instance. The Orange widgets are presented and their resulting outputs. The Jupyter notebook of the Anaconda navigator used for the machine learning phases are also presented. The implementation and testing was performed on Lenovo e-450 intel processor 1.65 GHz, 4GB RAM and 148 GB Hard Disk running Microsoft Windows 10 Operating System.
The data mining and feature extraction phases of the implementation was executed on the integrated development environment of the Orange data mining tool [12], while the machine learning functionalities were implemented using python programming on the Anaconda navigator environment [43]. The various python libraries employed in the coding of the three base learners are discussed, as well as the Vote ensemble implementation.
The public data employed for this study is acquired from the public repository, Kaggle. The data [21] consist of two folders including the image folder and another folder for the labels of each image. Each of the individuals captured in the database (103 of them, presented in Figure 5) has 12 images each, showing different parts of their facials.
Therefore, there are 1236 image instances in the acquired dataset. The activity overview of the data indicates there has been 2879 views, 85 downloads for research purposes, and a 0.03 download per view metric. Download rate peaks in November, 2022, May 2023 till July 2023, and in September 2023, showing a growing interest in the training dataset. For the purpose of this study, each of the image signals are preprocessed to extract the iris of each instance represented in the dataset.
Fig. 2 Performance metrics of the SMO
Fig. 3 Performance metrics of the MLP
Fig. 4 Performance metrics of the DT
Fig. 5 Performance metrics of the Vote ensemble
Table II: Vote ensemble, the performance metrics
Precision |
75.37% |
Accuracy |
83.70% |
F-Measure |
0.781917211 |
0.833333333 |
The classification results are shown the Table II as well as in Fig. 2 to Fig. 5. The Fig. 2 depicts the classification results using Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO). The Fig. 3 depicts the classification results using Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP). The Fig. 4 depicts the classification results using Decision Tree (DT). While the Fig. 5 depicts the classification results using Vote ensemble.
The Support Vector Machine (SMO) exhibited impeccable performance with perfect precision, accuracy, F-measure, and ROC AUC.
In contrast, the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) demonstrated lower precision, accuracy, F-measure, and ROC AUC, highlighting the challenges associated with its application. The Decision Tree (DT) model also achieved outstanding performance with perfect precision, accuracy, F-measure, and ROC AUC. Furthermore, the Vote ensemble model yielded commendable results, showcasing competitive precision, accuracy, F-measure, and ROC AUC values, indicating its robustness in predictive capabilities.
The study encountered some issues related to class imbalance and enhance the model's predictive capabilities. Similarly, there is the need to identify the most relevant and significant attributes for user authentication as well as the need for a vast range of datasets to assess the generalizability and scalability of the proposed model. Furthermore, the study needs a deeper insight into the decision-making process of the model to improve the interpretability and transparency of the authentication system.
The study successfully accomplished its objectives, which included the deployment of SqueezeNet embedding for feature extraction, the implementation of synthetic oversampling, the utilization of feature selection techniques, and the development of a Vote ensemble model for user authentication. The Support Vector Machine (SMO) exhibited impeccable performance with perfect precision, accuracy, F-measure, and ROC AUC. In contrast, the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) demonstrated lower precision, accuracy, F-measure, and ROC AUC, highlighting the challenges associated with its application. The Decision Tree (DT) model also achieved outstanding performance with perfect precision, accuracy, F-measure, and ROC AUC. Further research work is required to examine the utilization of additional oversampling techniques and ensemble methods to comprehensively address issues related to class imbalance and enhance the model\'s predictive capabilities. Performing an in-depth research into more sophisticated feature selection techniques and investigate their impact on model performance to identify the most relevant and significant attributes for user authentication is required for further study. Further studies are required to perform extensive experiments with diverse datasets to evaluate the generalizability and scalability of the proposed model, thereby ensuring its applicability to a wide range of real-world biometric authentication scenarios. Future study could explore the implementation of explainable AI methodologies to provide insights into the decision-making process of the model and enhance the interpretability and transparency of the authentication system.
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Copyright © 2024 Dr Ibharalu F.T, Ajayi A.F, Adebayo A.A, Olukumoro S.O. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET63926
Publish Date : 2024-08-09
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here